Now I have to admit that this is one classy looking bike but seriously, who the fuck are these guys kidding asking $3200 a pop starting price? First off, a fixie like the fine example of this company's hard work and dedication shown here, is pretty much what a fixed gear bike is, simple and to the point. This is a given for fixies and anyone can figure out what is what after a week of research because it's not a flux capacitor, it's a bike. Now I know you're trying to put the artsy spin on it and all but it's the d-bags like you who ruin it for the rest of us. I know you're trying to make a quick buck and you're some great art doosh but the value of copper isn't pricey enough to try to get a couple thousand out of someone for a $300 bike with flair. Please, think again before pushing out one of your stylin bikes at an outrageous price when you come from a ghetto ass city known for crackheads and gas guzzlers.
Cool? Yes. Worth it? Fuck no.
The cool bikes can rest on the pedal.
$3200 for an $800 bike. I LOLed.